Every investor dreams about it - to buy shares cheap and sell dear, and thus enrich themselves. The following is a statement of Times Money 10 such glorious episodes

1. Poseidon.

It was a modest Australian mining company, which in September 1960 of the last century was struck by the business world is a big discovery of nickel deposits in the town Windarra in Western Australia. Here is the company's stock soared from 0.8 to 12.3 Australian dollar.

By February 1970 they cost 280 dollars, fueled by a speculative boom. But then the price of nickel fell, and the bubble burst. Those investors who were able to purchase 3571 share of the company for 2 thousand 856 Australian dollars and costs 0.80 per share in early September 1969 to February 1970 was the millionaire in Australian dollars.

2. Berkshire Hathaway.

For those who threw in his lot with the investment by the company headed by Warren Buffett, the famous American investor, did not have miscalculated. In 1962, three years before the Buffett took over the company, its share was worth $ 7.56. Now the price of one paper - $ 112 thousand which means that those who bought only nine shares at $ 68 in 1962, is a dollar millionaire.

3. Microsoft.

If Warren Buffett is the renowned American investor, then Bill Gates should be the most famous businessman. Those who in 1987 bought shares in his company Microsoft, have received generous pay later. In that year one of its action in a certain period cost only $ 0.08, whereas now the price reaches $ 25,4.

Thus, any investor with the 1987 package of shares worth only $ 3149 now - a full-fledged millionaire in dollar terms.

4. Cisco Systems.

Like Microsoft, this California-based company has successfully caught a wave of information technology boom of the late 90-ies of the last century. In March 1990, one of its share was quoted at a negligible level of $ 0.08. Ten years later, in March 2000, at a technology bubble, it is already estimated at $ 77,3.

It follows that any investor who invested in March 1990, the company just over $ 1 thousand in the decade became a millionaire in dollar terms.

5. Sage Group.

Not only in the New World there were so outlandish things in the information technology field. Sage Group, a British company specializing in the accounting business for the past 18 years has endowed income investors in the amount of 6000%. Those who in 1990 owned a part of the company amounting to 17 thousand pounds, and who reinvested all dividends are now reaping the fruits of success of over one million pounds.

6. Next.

Although the largest British trading company apparel sales experienced in the past year, a strong fall, those who are lucky during the last recession in December 1990 to buy its shares at 13.5 pence per share, received in the amount of broth 17600% when first half of 2007, her papers were leaving at 24 pounds per unit. It was enough to invest in the Next in December 1990 amounting to 5624 pounds - and the beginning of last year you would have more than one million pounds. However, the current downturn in the market to more than halve this amount.

7. Nokia.

In 1992, it was a little-known Finnish company producing phones. Then one of her campaign was estimated at a tenth of the euro. Now this paper is worth 17.8 euros, representing an increase of 17700%. Those who bought in October 1992, shares of Nokia in the amount of just over 5600 euros, now - a millionaire.

8. Gresham House investment trust.

This private investment fund for the nine years from August 1998 to August 2007 shed on investors in the form of golden rain arrived at 3800%. Any holder of shares of stock as of August 1998 amounting to 25,600 pounds, provided that all dividends reinvested, would now sitting on a bag with a million pounds.

9. BlackRock World Mining Trust.

This investment fund effectively used the boom in metals and minerals. Between September 1998 and May of his present income reached 1897%. This means that it was enough to invest just over 50 thousand pounds in September and reinvest the dividends to now join the club of millionaires.

10. Google.

Launched just four years ago, the Internet company has made millionaires of many of its employees and, judging by her activities, be able to repeat this success for many private investors.

Since August 2004 the share price, which then amounted to $ 85, has grown sixfold, to $ 485, and the peak position may be expressed in more than $ 700.


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